
Remember the fun bbq evening we had at the Sheppards home to say farewell to the Cooks and the Chambers? What a successful evening it was!! The turn out was amazing, the kids were the best and the whole evening was a great success! Thank you to all who came, bought food and made it a great night. Special thanks to Charlie Lawson for the fun games, especially the tug-of-war, I almost bust a gut laughing! Special thanks to Pres. Sheppard and Lianne for hosting it at their home and Special thanks to Mark Reeks for his gorgeous cooked foods, I think he could well be our resident bbq’er now! :)
Brenda has been kind enough to share her photos with me after my batteries died, all of which will be shown on the blog asap. There is a video recording of the tug-of-war, please check the blog in a few days and see the fun we had!



All of our activities are designed for sharing opportunities to strengthen friendships, encourage social interactivity and boost our skills in many forms. Some events will be spiritually based and some will be fun based, but one common thread with them all is the opportunity for us to become one.
Our branch is a very warm, welcoming and caring place to be, our activities can extend that to our less active members,  investigators and non member friends and family.
We never know where the Lord leads us till we have got there, but I urge us all to think about who we can invite along to the various activities we have, no-one is excluded and everyone is wanted and welcome.
Remember: Everyone a Missionary